Domodah, according to a Gambian master chef is a stew prepared using beef, lamb, chicken, together with groundnut (peanut) sauce. Domodah (Mandinka language) is prepared in different variations in Gambia, Mali, Senegal & other West African countries and can also be done without meat. Here is Abdoulie’s version.
Jollof rice, a popular one-pot rice dish, according to Wikipedia, also known as Benachin (meaning “one pot” in the Wolof language) is widely eaten in many variations across the whole of West Africa. This particular version is prepared by a “master chef” who comes from Gambia …
I found this video funny & cool at the same time – of Ghetto Boys Dancing away to the song “Sitya loss” in some suburb. That as of today 7,774,764 viewers have watched, since it was published on Jan 31, 2014 proves
Centenary Park – A nice place to have a break and a beer after walking a long distance. Just in case you are “somehow” reminded of a “Shoebilled stork” ;), there are still some few of that solitary bird in
This article is based on the one hour BBC Natural World documentary “Chimps of the Lost Gorge“ [Update Jan, 2015: unfortunately, video removed from Youtube.] featuring Brutus the chimpanzee and his family which were virtually trapped in the Kyambura Gorge.
There was this article in the Newvision today: “Parents whose baby was injured by chimpanzee demand sh300m” Excerpts: The Parents of the eight months old baby recently injured by an irate chimpanzee are demanding sh300m from Uganda Wild Life Authority
After 3 years of development and 6 million Euros invested, a group of scientists at Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg’s faculty of Engineering today sent out a robot being develop to take on human tasks in a city center called “Obelix” on
The links below show that the government is starting to directly connect the issue of these avoidable landslides with OVERPOPULATION. A population growth rate of 3.5% and population density of 1000/km² and not in an urban area but rurla areas