New here? Welcome!
This forum is for new users. Introduce yourself ..., etc. Always be polite. We reserve the right to delete any post not considered so.
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9 years, 11 months ago
Discuss African politics, share your opinion.
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9 years, 12 months ago
African Recipes and around cooking
Questions, suggestions, etc around African & other recipes, cooking ... Share your own recipes (which can probably be published in the recipe section).
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10 years, 3 months ago
Web Directory Help
If you have any questions regarding making a free submission to your East & Southern Africa related website, business, organization or institution or some other aspect, post it here.
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No Topics
African Proverbs and Sayings
African proverbs and sayings from across Africa, classified in terms of regions, communities & countries of origin, as well as from other places across the globe.Feel free to suggest or submit more in this forum, which can then be added to the list and to discuss or share their meaning & application with other folks.
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9 years, 9 months ago
Africans in the Diaspora
Discuss matters pertaining to Africans in the diaspora.
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No Topics