News, programmes, case studies and publications about the country from the Department for International Development in the UK. In Burundi, the UK aims to encourage the development of a more democratic, well-governed and peaceful country, playing a positive role in the region, particularly in terms of its contribution to peacekeeping and the fight against terrorism. …”

Phone 2
+257 22 25 03 66
Postal Address [additional]

Building Old East Bujumbura, 1st Floor
Place de L’Independence

Latest news and information from the World Bank and its development work in Burundi. Access Burun...
Offers material about Burundi and its activities with the IMF
Legal directory and search engine – legislation, case-law, journals, law reform, by country...
Provides climate and weather information, facts and statistics about the country, along with five...
Diamond Trust Bank (DTB) is a commercial in Uganda, also with a presence in Kenya,Tanzania and Bu...
Renseignements généraux sur les déplacements, la sécurité et la santé, les transports. ## Travel ...
L’Organisation mondiale du commerce propose des statistiques, les politiques commerciales e...
Avenue de L'Amitié 0 km
Cabinet d’audit et d’expertise comptable. Description des services qu’il propos...
Sélection d’articles sur le pays parus dans ce mensuel. # A selection of articles on Burund...
Informations détaillées sur les actions du PNUD dans le pays. ## Detailed information on UNDP act...
Brève présentation du programme VNU dans le pays. # Volunteer program of the United Nations in Bu...
Human Rights Watch – News & information on Burundi
Mapa físico del país, complementado con datos estadísticos. ## Physical map of the country, Burun...
Estadísticas sobre la salud en el país. Indicadores básicos, leyes, recursos, emergencias e incid...
This page gathers key information on Burundi’s participation in the WTO. Burundi has been a...
Artículo de la enciclopedia libre sobre el país
Datos geográficos, económicos y sociales del país. ## Geographic, economic and social data on Bur...
Scheda geografica, avvertenze per la sicurezza e la salute dei viaggiatori, informazioni su forma...
Showing 1 - 20 of 99 results