Here is a simple, quick and easy, soft chapati recipe, the way it is made in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and other countries in the East African region. Bear in mind Indian chapati is made differently and a different type of flour is used!
A beautiful documentary about Brutus and other chimps in the Kyambura Gorge and its sad lessons
This article is based on the one hour BBC Natural World documentary “Chimps of the Lost Gorge“ [Update Jan, 2015: unfortunately, video removed from Youtube.] featuring Brutus the chimpanzee and his family which were virtually trapped in the Kyambura Gorge.
Is the Uganda government now advocating for fewer children?
U.S, UK give Uganda sh97b for family planning
Increasing number of clashes between animals and humans across the country
Obelix the Robot tours Freiburg City
Overpopulation On Mount Elgon Kills Hundreds
The links below show that the government is starting to directly connect the issue of these avoidable landslides with OVERPOPULATION. A population growth rate of 3.5% and population density of 1000/km² and not in an urban area but rurla areas
The recurring problem of mudslides in Bududa and the Uganda government’s role
It has happened again in 2012, mudslides in Bududa with fatal consequences, leaving many families with relatives, animals, homes, property buried under by mud after/during heavy rains. I have just read this online Uganda – 400 feared dead in landslide