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Creamy Zucchini and Minced Meat Sauce – Video
Creamy Zucchini and Minced Meat Sauce
Abdoulie’s Domodah Recipe

Domodah, according to a Gambian master chef is a stew prepared using beef, lamb, chicken, together with groundnut (peanut) sauce. Domodah (Mandinka language) is prepared in different variations in Gambia, Mali, Senegal & other West African countries and can also be done without meat. Here is Abdoulie’s version.
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Abdoulie’s Jollof Rice

Jollof rice, a popular one-pot rice dish, according to Wikipedia, also known as Benachin (meaning “one pot” in the Wolof language) is widely eaten in many variations across the whole of West Africa. This particular version is prepared by a “master chef” who comes from Gambia …