A simple but delicious fried button mushroom sauce you can prepare within a few minutes.
Delicious Fried Button Mushrooms

A simple but delicious fried button mushroom sauce you can prepare within a few minutes.
This is how to make some delicious and cream sauce with chicken breast (or other meats) and button mushrooms. The advantage of chicken is it gets cooked quickly.
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So here is a sauce recipe combining beans, chicken and wine, which I think you will also like.
Here is a chicken dish with vegetables that I find delicious … and easy to make.
Cuisine: European Cuisine: European Cuisine: European Ingredients500 grams plain wheat flour (such as used for cakes)250 mls lukewarm water250 grams button mushrooms150 grams grated cheese (preferably mozzarella)3 tbsp high quality oil (preferably olive oil)1 big onion1 paprika2 cloves fresh garlic4