Abdoulie’s Chu

Chu sauce with Couscous

Abdoulie’s Chu: a simple sauce recipe from Gambia, made with meat and lots of vegetables.

Abdoulie’s Jollof Rice 2

Jollof Rice with Chicken

Cuisine: West African Cuisine: West African Cuisine: West African Ingredients1 kg chicken (thighs used, 3 – 5, depending on size.)700 g basmati rice4 pointed peppers3 large onions200 g tomato pastepumpkin seeds (about half a handful)1 zucchini (optional)2 Maggi bouillon cubes2

Abdoulie’s Domodah Recipe

Abdoulie's Domodah Sauce

Domodah, according to a Gambian master chef is a stew prepared using beef, lamb, chicken, together with groundnut (peanut) sauce. Domodah (Mandinka language)  is prepared in different variations in Gambia, Mali, Senegal & other West African countries and can also be done without meat. Here is Abdoulie’s version.

Abdoulie’s Mafe Recipe

Abdoulie's Mafe, a Gambian stew

Mafe, Maafe, mafé, maffé, etc is a stew prepared in plenty of variants in lots of West African countries. This particular one is from Abdoulie, hailing from Gambia, a very experienced cook.

Beans in groundnut/peanut sauce

Beans in groundnut/peanut sauce

Beans can be prepared in many different ways. In this recipe, I show how you can make beans in groundnut (peanut) sauce. It is a simple vegetarian recipe and the sauce can go with ugali (posho), rice, matooke, … Peanuts are known across many parts of Africa as “ground nuts”.