Here is how to prepare some delicious, creamy zucchini and minced meat Sauce within about 30 minutes.
Creamy Zucchini and Minced Meat Sauce

Here is how to prepare some delicious, creamy zucchini and minced meat Sauce within about 30 minutes.
Domodah, according to a Gambian master chef is a stew prepared using beef, lamb, chicken, together with groundnut (peanut) sauce. Domodah (Mandinka language) is prepared in different variations in Gambia, Mali, Senegal & other West African countries and can also be done without meat. Here is Abdoulie’s version.
Jollof rice, a popular one-pot rice dish, according to Wikipedia, also known as Benachin (meaning “one pot” in the Wolof language) is widely eaten in many variations across the whole of West Africa. This particular version is prepared by a “master chef” who comes from Gambia …
Mafe, Maafe, mafé, maffé, etc is a stew prepared in plenty of variants in lots of West African countries. This particular one is from Abdoulie, hailing from Gambia, a very experienced cook.
The other day noticed I had for some reason not eaten some fresh fruits like apples and some vegetables like carrots, with their beta carotene, for a long time, although I had them around. It is because I am not quite a fan of the 2. This of course in the long run is not healthy, but then I remembered I have a juicer, … Turned into juice, you can take in the content of several carrots & apples at ago and they do not taste bad at all.
Beans can be prepared in many different ways. In this recipe, I show how you can make beans in groundnut (peanut) sauce. It is a simple vegetarian recipe and the sauce can go with ugali (posho), rice, matooke, … Peanuts are known across many parts of Africa as “ground nuts”.
East African Chapati for Profis is a recipe that shows you basically how to make large quantities of East African Chapati, such as you would need for parties or for restaurants in relatively little time. It can be quite tiring kneading large amounts of the quite stiff dough, so we shall use a food processor. It is important to read the manufacturers instructions to determine the amount of dough you can mix in one go. We shall use a high performance & powerful Bosch MaxxiMUM, with a 5.4 liter stainless steel bowl, 1600W motor suitable for heavy bread doughs, to mix 2 kilograms of flour with 1 liter of water.
This is how to make simple and basic omelet recipe for breakfast.